Sector news

Uzkimyosanoat JSС reports, the company has committed to enroot «Rules of corporate governance for company with state participation»

// 10.07.2018


// 05.04.2016

First of all, on behalf of Uzkimyosanoat JSC let me express our respect and wish you success to your esteemed company. We have the honor to represent you Uzkimyosanoat JSC, which consists of 14 production enterprises, 13 regional distribution organizations and others, that produce more than 180 types of products, as well as provide a full range of services, including transportation, delivery and others. In total, our industry employs more than 40,000 highly qualified personnel, and also has its own design and research organizations. Uzkimyosanoat JSC - is the only company in the region to produce all three types of fertilizers (N - nitrogen, P - phosphorus and K - potassium), methanol and caustic soda. The third major producer of urea and ammonia in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, the fourth on production of ammonia and ammonium sulfate.

Starting production of complex NPK fertiliser

// 11.08.2014

Samarkanqkimyo JSC starts production of complex NPK fertiliser (15:15:15). If you are interested in purchasing this fertiliser, please contact the Department of Marketing and Foreign Economic Activities of Uzkimyosanoat SJSC by the following numbers: (998 71) 140 74 52, (998 71) 140 74 36.

Segment industry fair

// 23.04.2013

In the period from 5 to 7 June 2013 in a 3rd pavilion of "Uzexpocentre" Seegment Industry Fair will be held companies and business associations included in the complex of Geology, the fuel and energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the fair will present nomenclature and production of the fuel and energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries.