// 05.04.2016 Print version Download: pdf (35.1 KB)


First of all, on behalf of Uzkimyosanoat JSC let me express our respect and wish you success to your esteemed company.

We have the honor to represent you Uzkimyosanoat JSC, which consists of 14 production enterprises, 13 regional distribution organizations and others, that produce more than 180 types of products, as well as provide a full range of services, including transportation, delivery and others.  In total, our industry employs more than 40,000 highly qualified personnel, and also has its own design and research organizations.

Uzkimyosanoat JSC - is the only company in the region to produce all three types of fertilizers (N - nitrogen, P - phosphorus and K - potassium), methanol and caustic soda. The third major producer of urea and ammonia in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, the fourth on production of ammonia and ammonium sulfate.

The export geography of our company covers an area of more than 30 countries. We export more than 25 types of products, in the amount more than 300,0 million USD annually. Based on available data, the dynamics and range of products has stable growth trend. Over the last 5 years Uzkimyosanoat JSC implemented more than 20 large investment projects for a total amount of 390,83 million USD,  started production more than 30 kinds of new products.

During the 2016-2020's we have planned realization of 11 major investment projects totaling 3,4 billion USD, including the organization of new production of ammonia and urea, the construction of complexes for production of PVC, caustic soda and methanol. Considering the dynamic growth of the automotive industry of Uzbekistan, as well as a high level of localization, currently being implemented realization of automobile, agricultural tires and other rubber products production project.

The presence of rich mineral resources base of the Republic of Uzbekistan serves as the basis for further development of the chemical and other related industries.

Currently, according to the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to increase the proportion and value of private property in the economy" and "On additional measures to attract foreign investors to joint-stock companies" package of shares of enterprises belonging to the Uzkimyosanoat JSC  are proposed for sales to potential foreign investors.

Favorable investment climate in the Republic of Uzbekistan, an extensive system of legal guarantees and privileges for foreign investors, developed a legal system of measures to stimulate the activities of enterprises with foreign investments. At the present time investment legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the most advanced in CIS countries, and has incorporated the basic provisions of international investment laws.

Given your experience in the chemical and petrochemical industry we invite you to consider participating in the purchase of shares of Uzkimyosanoat JSC enterprises listed in the annex. Additional information in English and Russian languages can be found at site, as well as if requested to,,,, e-mail addresses. Tel:(+998711407408, +998711407404, +998711407451)


In case of your interest we are ready to provide more detailed information for each company, as well as to organize visits for your specialists to the site.

Name of the company and the object Location  owner of the share Assets for strategic foreign investors
According to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan                                 from December 21, 2015 №2454
Number of shares amount,mln USD The price per share in USD %
1 SJC "Navoiyazot"  Navoiy region.,
Navoiy city
State 153 212 850 200,71 1,31 49,00
2 SJC "Farg'onaazot" Fergana region,
Fergana city
 State 16 216 103 152,76 9,42 48,05
3 SJC "Samarkandkimyo"  Samarkand region,
Samarkand city
State 947 757 13,11 13,83 60,35
 JSC UZKIMYOSANOAT 622 608 7,43 11,93 39,65
Total     1 570 365 20,54   100,00
4 SJC "Jizzakh-Plastmassa" Jizzakh region, Jizzakh city State 140 626 7,34 52,17 61,04
JSC UZKIMYOSANOAT 57 600 2,30 40,00 25,00
Total     198 226 9,64   86,04
5 SJC "Kokand Superphosphate Factory" Fergana region.,
Kokand city
State 685 836 9,60 14,02 70,5
 JSC UZKIMYOSANOAT 73 153 3,24 44,30 7,5
Total     758 989 12,84   78,06
6 Samarkand TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO”   Samarkand region, Samarkand city State 238 122 6,30 29,59 32,03
7 TASHKENT TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” Tashkent region, Zangata district State 213 567 9,10 42,36 34,77
8  Navoiy TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” Navoiy region, Navoiy city Navoiy TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” 33 200 0,15 4,56 15,00
9 Namangan TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” Namangan region, Namangan city Namangan TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” 25 054 0,90 35,76 5,50
10 Andijon  TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” Andijon region., Andijan city Andijon  TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” 82 508 1,96 23,80 15,00
11 Fergana TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” Fergana region, Fergana city Fergana TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” 101 347 3,46 34,11 15,00
12 Khorezm TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” Khorezm region,
Urgench city
Khorezm TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” 234 957 5,80 24,67 15,25
13 Karakalpakstan TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” Republic of Karakalpakstan,
Nukus city
Karakalpakstan TJSC “KISHLOKHUZHALIKKIMYO” 184 506 3,13 16,94 15,00
  Shareholdings TJSC "Kishlokhuzhalikkimё" Kashkadarya, Bukhara and Syrdarya regions will be put up for sale after completion of evaluation