The main results of activities of enterprises of SJSC "Uzkimyosanoat" in January-June, 2013

// 21.07.2013 Print version Download: pdf (44.99 KB)

In the first half of 2013 enterprises of "Uzkimyosanoat" commodity output in current prices to the amount of 873.3 billion sums, with a growth rate of 100.1%, consumer goods amounting to 56.8 billion sums.

Produced 588.43 tons of fertilizers, including:

  • nitrogen fertilizer - 448.79 thousand tons;
  • phosphate fertilizers - 79.96 million tons;
  • potash fertilizers - 59.68 tonnes.

Exports of chemical products amounted to 130.7% of the forecast.

According to the localization program in January-June 2013 produced goods worth 188.4 billion sums, or 101.2% of the forecast.

As part of the investment projects included in the investment program, the enterprises "Uzkimyosanoat" mastered 79.24 million USD investment.

For contracts entered into in the international industrial fair and cooperation exchange businesses purchased goods by 88.7 bln, or 121% of the forecast.

Created 163 new jobs, including 49 home-based work places.

During January-June 2013 the territorial stock companies "Kishlokhuzhalikkime" agrochemical services rendered in the amount of 19,915.4 mln. In particular, cooked and sold 62.9 tons of compost (a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers) in the amount of 1,066.3 million sum, delivered 140.8 thousand tons of organic and 358 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers on crop area farms. The suspension is carried 835.4 thousand hectares of sown area of grain and cotton and 105 thousand hectares of sown area of grain made ​​fertilizers.


SJSC «Uzkimyosanoat»

Updated at: 08.10.2024