For 10 months of 2022, “Uzkimyoimpeks” LLC fulfilled the established annual indicator of export on “Uzkimyosanoat” JSC ahead of schedule. In particular, for January-October of this year, the total value of chemical exports amounted to 407.3 million dollars, with an annual plan (400.8 million dollars) reached 101.7% as of October 31. The growth was 155% compared to January-October 2021.
These indicators are achieved through systematic measures to increase the export potential of the industry. In particular, measures are being taken to diversify exported products. 37 types of chemical products delivered for export current year. 13 types of chemical products were also exported at a total cost of 18 million dollars. Of these, complex mineral fertilizers (9 types), polyanionic cellulose, liquid mineral fertilizers (2 types). It is worth noting that the growth rates of exports of certain types of products amounted to significant indicators compared to the corresponding period of the last 2021. Of these, the export of superphosphate increased 35 times, the export of products liquefied ammonia 16 times, the export of automobile tires - 11 times, the export of liquid argon and ammonium chloride - 6 times.
“Uzkimyoimpeks” LLC expands the geography of exports due to the development of new markets. The export of products has been carried out in 36 countries of the world since the beginning of current year. In 2021, this figure was 28. Including carbamide and NPK products with a total value of 625.8 thousand dollars were supplied for export to the Mongolian state.
At the same time, cooperation established with major traders in the foreign market for the export of products. In the joint venture “Samarkand-NPK” LLC, together with the Lithuanian state company “UHB Agro”, the production and export of NPK fertilizers has been established. 41.8 thousand tons of NPK fertilizers were exported from January to October at a cost of 19.6 million dollars.
Based on the demand of consumers and the external market, for the first time in JSC “Ferganaazot” has been applied the practice of loading mineral fertilizers into bags, as well as into big bags. This, in turn, gave an effective result.
Also, the dynamics of prices for mineral fertilizers on the world market is constantly analyzed, the sale of products at high-yield prices has been achieved. For example, from January to October 2021, 871.5 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers worth 198.5 million dollars delivered for export, 753 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers worth 329.4 million dollars delivered for export current year, which is 209 dollars more for each ton of exported mineral fertilizers than last year.
In addition, appropriate measures were taken to reduce the negative impact of the geopolitical situation caused by the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine on foreign economic activity JSC “Uzkimyosanoat”. In 2022, exports to the Ukrainian state totaling 127.2 million dollars are planned, and a plan was developed to redirect 10 different types of chemical products to other countries. In addition, measures are being taken to seize the devastated markets of chemical products due to sanctions imposed on Russia by European states.
If in January-October 2021, 7.6 thousand tons of sodium chlorate were exported, then current year this figure amounted to 13.8 thousand tons (growth rate of 182 percent). In the current year, 111.5 thousand pieces of car tires were exported for a total amount of 2.98 million dollars. By the end of the year, it is planned to increase the indicator of the export of sodium chlorate to 14.8 thousand tons, car tires to 122 thousand units. Also, the measures taken, in turn, have a positive impact on the total volume of exports to the Russian state.
In January-October 2021, 7 types of chemical products totaling 4.5 million dollars were exported to the Russian state, in 2022 12 types of chemical products totaling more than 15 million dollars were exported (growth rate of 333 percent).
Another important point is that when exporting products, trading houses that have been opened in foreign countries are most effectively used. This year, products worth 33.6 million dollars were sold for export through trading houses.
Currently, it is planned to export chemical products for an additional 25 million dollars considering internal reserves and capacities. Taking into account this additional export figure, by the end of 2022, the annual export figure will be 450 million dollars, which is expected to be 117.8% compared to 2021.