State Joint Stock Company Uzkimyosanoat and Directorate for Construction of Rubber Products Plant LLC is announcing international selection of a consultant for the project "Organization of production of 100 thousand ex/m of conveyer belts, 3.0 mil. pcs of PCR tyres and 100 thousand pcs." in Angren SIZ on turnkey contract basis.
Project Location – Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent region, city Angren special industrial zone "Angren".
Construction period — 34 Months.
Requirement for consultant — experience in the production of tyres and conveyor belts, knowledge and experience for "General Motors" requirements in the supply for original equipment manufacturing (OEM).
Please, kindly send your request for terms of reference and your proposal to Directorate for Construction of Rubber Products Plant LLC, address: Republic of Uzbekistan, 100011, Tashkent Navoi Street, 38.
Contacnt details: + 99871 244-07-31, telefax: + 99871 244-07-32; E-mail: dszrti@uks.uz, dszrti@mail.ru
Deadline — 15 January 2015 year.