JSC 'Uzkimyosanoat'

Import and export


The export of the enterprises of JSC "Uzkimyosanoat" is carried out by LLC "Uzkimyoimpeks" a single agent for export-import operations.

The export portfolio of Uzkimyosanoat JSC includes 40 types of products, while the implementation of new investment projects allows expanding the range of export-oriented products every year.

Due to their location, the main export countries of chemical products have always been the countries of the Central Asian region. However, with the increase in production capacities of enterprises and the release of new types of products, the main task of our company was to expand the possibilities for transporting products and the effective use of international transport corridors. To date, export deliveries have been established through such ports as Lianyungang (China), Karachi (Pakistan), Poti and Batumi (Georgia), Klaipeda (Lithuania) and others.

Thanks to this, the export geography includes more than 40 countries, including countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.

Since 2020, the development of trade representative offices in foreign countries has begun, to date, 3 Uzkimyoimpeks Trading Houses have been opened in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. This step allowed to increase the volume and diversification of exported products to these countries.

The main international partners today are such companies as the State Corporation "Turkmenhimiya", ALE "KAPU", "Tricon", "UHB" and others, with which long-term export contracts are concluded, which allows for a qualitative distribution of export volumes of products.

To further improve the transport component, the opening of the international logistics center "Kungrad Kargo" in the Republic of Karakalpakstan is expected, which will increase the profits of enterprises by reducing the logistics component, as well as expand the possibilities for product packaging and its modernization.

You can get more detailed information on the website of "Uzkimyoimpeks" LLC.